The Angular Distribution of α-particles from the Reaction 19F(pα)16O*(π)16O

The angular distribution of α-particles from the reaction 19 F ( p α) 16 O * (π) 16 O has been measured at fourteen energies between 800 kev and 1400 kev. The α -particles were detected and identified by coincidence with nuclear pair-electrons. The data were analyzed to give coefficients in the expansion formula σ(θ)= a 0 + a 1 cos θ+ a 2 cos 2 θ+ a 3 cos 3 θ+ a 4 cos 4 θ. The spins of the levels of the compound nucleus 20 Ne were assigned from the evidence of anomalies in the coefficients. For the resonances at 843-, 1126-, 1355-kev J =2 and for that at 1250 kev J =1.