Human PDGFA receptor gene maps to the same region on chromosome 4 as the KIT oncogene

The gene for the human platelet‐derived growth factor (PDGF) A type receptor was assigned to the proximal long arm of chromosome 4 by using in situ hybridization. Of 141 labeled metaphase cells, 74 had grains over chromosome 4, with a distinct peak at bands q11q–q12. The presence of the gene on chromosome 4 was also confirmed by hybridization to chromosome specific libraries. This places the PDGFA receptor gene in the same region of chromosome 4 as the KIT oncogene, another member of the PDGF growth factor receptor subfamily. The two other members of this gene family, the PDGFB receptor and the colony stimulating factor‐1 (CSF1) receptor, are closely linked on the distal half of the long arm of chromosome 5.