Siderophore production by Vibrio vulnificus

To study Fe acquisition by V. vulnificus siderophore production was induced by growth in a low-Fe medium; biochemical testing indicated the production of hydroxamate- and phenolate-type siderophores. The siderophores were extracted from growth filtrates with ethyl acetate (for phenolates) and phenol-CHCl3-ether (for hydroxamates). These extracts enhanced the growth of V. vulnificus when the bacterium was grown in Fe-limited medium. The ability of these siderophores to stimulate the growth of Salmonella typhimurium LT-2 enb-7 (a mutant deficient in the biosynthesis of enterochelin) and Arthrobacter flavescens JG-9 (a hydroxamate auxotroph) supported the conclusion that V. vulnificus produces hydroxamate- and phenolate-type siderophores.