Binding effects in high-energy scattering applied toK-shell ionization

The equation describing scattering of a fast ion by a K-shell electron, ivSIZ=exp(iH̃eZv)V(r, R)exp(iH̃eZv)SI, where H̃e(r)=(22me)r2(2me)[lnχ0(r)r]rFT+BT, is solved in the Glauber approximation by setting H̃e to zero and in the Cheshire approximation by setting the binding term (BT) to zero. In this paper we solve for SI including both the freely recoiling term (FT) and BT but neglecting their commutator. A divergence found with this method in a previous investigation of hydrogenlike atoms is removed as long as ZSe2v<1. This limit represents a natural "threshold" in the method since for lower velocities the target electron is moving faster than the projectile. We apply the method in its lowest-order approximation to K-shell ionization by differently charged projectiles. A substantial improvement in the fit to the ratio r12 given by r12=σ(Z2)Z22σ(Z2)Z12, Z1>Z2, is found in comparison with the Glauber and Cheshire results. More experiments are needed with ZS20 and at energies such that ZSe2v<1 to test this new theory. The method has immediate applicability to any scattering problem in which the projectile has a classical trajectory.