The exact renormalization-group approach is used to study the critical behavior for T>Tc, H=0 of a uniaxial ferromagnetic (or ferroelectric) system in d dimensions, with exchange and dipolar interactions between the (single-component) spins. Normal Ising-like behavior is retained for t=TTc1g^=(gμB)2Jad, where J is the exchange parameter, gμB is the magnetic moment per spin, and a is the lattice spacing. Crossover to a characteristic dipolar behavior occurs when tφg^, where φ=1+ε6 (to first order in ε=4d). For tg^, the leading temperature singularity in the Fourier transform of the spin-spin correlation function Γ(q) becomes ξ2×[1+(ξq)2h0(ξqz)2+g0(qzq)2]1, where h0 and g0 are of order g^ and ξ(t) varies as t12 for d>3, as t12|lnt|16 for d=3, and as tν with 12ν=1(3d)6+O((3d)2) for