Textures in slowly rotatingHe3-A

The free energy of rotating He3-A in zero magnetic field and large cylinders (R10 μm) is calculated for several textural configurations at slow rotation speeds (Ω2mR2). The sequence of equilibrium states with increasing Ω is studied near Tc. A transition from the Mermin-Ho state to one of higher circulation should occur for Ω9.62mR2. This transition may be delayed, however, by the onset of azimuthal distortion ("swirl") in the Mermin-Ho state. A new experimental method is proposed for studying various textural configurations, based on the anistropy of negative-ion mobility. Significant and characteristic focusing should occur when ions are swept through long cylinders of length L>10R. In addition, time-of-flight information can also help identify the textural state. Finally, the qualitative effects of weak magnetic fields and lower temperatures are discussed.