Scattering of 14.5-MeV Protons from the Even Isotopes of Germanium

Protons from the 90-in. cyclotron at Lawrence Radiation Laboratory (LRL)-Livermore have been scattered from enriched targets of Ge70,72,74,76, with an over-all energy resolution (FWHM) of 70 keV. The incident proton energy was approximately 14.5 MeV, and angular distributions were obtained from 20° to 150°, in 10° intervals. The elastic-scattering results were analyzed using the optical model. Angular distributions were obtained for inelastic proton groups from seven levels in Ge70, nine levels in Ge72, eleven levels in Ge74, and ten levels in Ge76—all below 3.5-MeV excitation. These included scattering to the quadrupole and octupole one-phonon vibrational levels and scattering to the 0+, 2+, 4+ two-quadrupole-phonon triplet. The data were analyzed using a coupled-channel computer code and a vibrational model of the nucleus. Strengths to excited states (βI) and spins and parities of levels were determined and are compared with Coulomb-excitation decay studies and with other scattering experiments.