Exclusiveρ0,ω, andφelectroproduction

We have measured exclusive ρ0, ω, and φ meson electroproduction at the Cornell Wilson Synchrotron. The final ρ0 data sample included 4637 four-constraint e+pe+π++π+p events, with incident energy E=11.5 GeV and electroproduction variables Q2 and W in the region 0.7<Q2<4 GeV2 and 1.9<W<4 GeV. We find that the width of the forward ρ0 diffraction peak increases rapidly as the lifetime of the intermediate hadron states decreases below cΔτ=1 fm and that the peak is wider for longitudinal ρ0 than it is for transverse ρ0. The longitudinal-transverse cross-section ratio Rp=σLσT, obtained assuming s-channel helicity conservation, becomes constant at high Q2. At fixed W the diffractive vector-meson-dominance (VMD) model reproduces the Q2 dependence of our cross section, σ=(σT+εσL), but is is not able to account for the rapid decrease in the cross section with increasing W we observe. We find that σωσρ depends on W but is independent of Q2 for 0.7<Q2<3 GeV2 and 2.2<W<3.7 GeV. However, σω is substantially larger than the diffractive VMD cross section. Our results for σφ are consistent with the Q2 dependence of the diffractive VMD model for