Atomic Masses of H1, C12, and S32

The Minnesota 16-inch double-focusing mass spectrometer has been used to measure a series of mass doublets which enable one to calculate the atomic masses of H1, C12, and S22. The doublet ½C4 H4O—H2 O2 is used to relate the C12 mass directly to that of the O16 standard. Recent tests of the instrument and its calibration give confidence in the reliability of the present results. The resulting mass values are H1 = 1.008 1451±2, C12 = 12.003 8156±4, and S32 = 31.982 2388±9 amu. These values differ from the previously reported results by more than the published errors might lead one to predict. However, in no cases do the changes reflect a significant change in previously published atomic masses.

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