Effect of the tripartite leader on synthesis of a non-viral protein in an adenovirus 5 recombinant

The EIa region of an Adenovirus 5 recombinant has been substituted by a modular gene encoding dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR). In this recombinant, the mouse DHFR cDNA was positioned behind sequences of the major late promoter and the complete tripartite leader. The leader sequences end in the normal 5′ splice site (SS) of the third leader, so that RNA splicing joins the tripartite leader to a 3′ splice site immediately upstream of the DHFR cDNA. At late stages of infection, high levels of DHFR mRNAs were synthesized. At early times in the late stage, this mRNA was efficiently translated; however, at later times translation of DHFR decreased probably due to poor competition with other late mRNAs. Synthesis of DHFR protein from an analogous Adenovirus 5 recombinant containing only the first late leader was studied in parallel. Equivalent levels of DHFR mRNA were expressed after infection with this recombinant virus; however, the efficiency of DHFR translation was at least 20 fold lower than that of the DHFR mRNA containing the tripartite leader. This suggests that the tripartite leader sequence is important for translation in the late stage of infection. As reported previously, the Ad5 recombinant containing only the first leader vastly overexpresses polypeptlde IX from a novel mRNA, formed by the splicing of the first leader in the modular DHFR gene to the 3′ splice site in the EIb region. Cells infected with this recombinant synthesize very little normal mRNA from the EIb region. Here, we demonstrated that coinfection of 293 cells with this recombinant and wild type Adenovirus 5 also results in decreased EIb mRNA synthesis. We propose that the overproduction of polypeptide IX suppresses mRNA expression from the EIb and IX promoter sites, probably by an autoregulation loop active during lytic growth.