Polariton parametric scattering processes in semiconductor microcavities observed in continuous wave experiments

Novel polariton-polariton scattering processes in a III-V semiconductor microcavity are investigated under conditions of cw resonant excitation close to the point of inflection of the low polariton (LP) branch at wave vector kP. In addition to the strong emission at wave vectors near k=0 and 2kP occurring due to parametric polariton scattering from the excitation point on the LP dispersion, sharp peaks located off the LP branch are observed in the vicinity of k=3kP and kP. We demonstrate that they arise due to additional parametric scattering between the macrofilled k0, kP and 2kP modes. Pronounced anomalous dispersion of the peak near k=3kP is found and shown to originate from that of the macroscopically occupied states near k=2kP. A surprisingly high degree of polarization of the k3kP peak, markedly exceeding that of the excitation, is observed under excitation with elliptically polarized laser light. It is explained taking into account strong nonlinearity of the k3kP peak emission close to the threshold. We also discuss the effect of the incoherent processes in the system, occurring at high excitation power or at temperatures above 15 K, on population of the additional modes.