Branching Ratios for the Decay of Vector Mesons into Lepton Pairs

We have studied the decays into lepton pairs of vector mesons (ρ,φ,ω) produced by a beam of 3BeVcπ mesons incident on a liquid-H2 target at the Brookhaven AGS. The experiment utilized scintillation counters and spark chambers as well as a lead-scintillator "shower chamber" constructed for the identification of electrons and rejection of background. A Monte Carlo technique was used to predict the background and determine the number of real events. For the muon-pair mode, the results are upper limits, with the branching ratio (ρμμ¯)(ρallmodes)<14×104 being the best limit determined. For the electron-pair decays we obtain (ρee¯)(ρallmodes)=(0.650.5+1.1)×104 and (ωee¯ωallmodes)=(1.00.75+1.7)×104 for an assumed φω mixing angle of 38°. Because of insufficient knowledge of the production process, we tentatively quote for the φ meson a result σφ×(φee¯)(φallmodes)=0.310.21+.34 μb. The results are compared with other experiments.