Elastic scattering of Li+by He

A linear combination of atomic orbitals-self-consistent field- molecular orbital (LCAO-SCF-MO) calculation of the interaction potential of the ground state of LiHe+ is reported, and the results compared with other quantal calculations and with semi-empirical potentials. The potential is used to investigate the elastic scattering of Li+ by He. Values of the differential cross section I( theta ), the cross section for scattering through an angle theta > theta 0, S( theta 0), total elastic cross section Qel(k2), diffusion cross section QD(k2) and mobility K(T) are obtained and compared with experiment. Excellent agreement is obtained except for I( theta ), theta cm >70 degrees . Orbiting occurs at k=0.03 (l=2) and k=0.34 (l=7). Seven non-orbiting oscillations are found in Qel(k2), and seven bound vibrational states are predicted.