Excited States ofCu64andCu66

The Cu63(d, p)Cu64 and Cu65(d, p)Cu66 reactions have been investigated through studies of the proton groups arising from the deuteron bombardment of thin targets of isotopically enriched copper. The incident deuteron beam, with energies ranging from 6.00 to 6.55 Mev, was obtained from an electrostatic accelerator, and the protons were analyzed with a high-resolution magnetic spectrograph. In the region of excitation up to 3.80 Mev, sixty-five excited states in Cu64 and fifty-five in Cu66 have been measured. The Q values for the transitions to the ground states of Cu64 and Cu66 are 5.691±0.008 Mev and 4.832±0.008 Mev, respectively.