The D —He4Interaction for 10.3-Mev Deuterons

Elastic scattering and disintegration of 10.3-Mev deuterons bombarding He4 have been studied by means of a multiple nuclear plate camera. The reaction D+He4He4+p+n2.2 Mev was observed with a total cross section of 0.3±0.1 barn. The protons show a marked tendency to emerge in the forward direction, and there is some, not very strong, evidence for the formation of He5 as an intermediate product. The differential elastic scattering cross section was measured at intervals of 2.5° in the laboratory system from 12.5° to 140°. The shape of this cross-section curve can be inferred from the following approximate values (angles in CM system and differential cross sections in millibarns per unit solid angle): 29.4°, 186; 58.4°, 9.7; 97.7°, 69; 129.3°, 37; 157.4°, 82.4.