O(4)Symmetry,NN¯Scattering, and the Regge Trajectory of the Pion

The NN¯ Bethe-Salpeter equation is studied exploiting the O(4) symmetry of the scattering amplitude at t=0. Spinor O(4) spherical harmonics are developed and used in the projection of the Bethe-Salpeter equation both at t=0 and for small finite t. With the choice of Toller quantum number M=1 for the pion trajectory at t=0, as seems to be implied by high-energy data, we find that the M=1 trajectory must mix with another trajectory near t=0 in order to produce a physical pion. In addition, O(4) expansions are given for the NN¯ helicity amplitudes for both equal and unequal mass.