The Genus Salmonella Lignières, 1900: Issued by the Salmonella Subcommittee of the Nomenclature Committee of the International Society for Microbiology

At the First Congress of the International Society for Microbiology held in Paris in July 1930, a Nomenclature Committee of the Society was authorised and constituted by resolution in plenary session. Under article 4 section b of the resolutions concerning the formation of the committee, authority and encouragement were given for the monographing of special groups or genera of bacteria. In furtherance of this object a subcommittee was called together early in 1933 to consider the question of the taxonomy and nomenclature of the Salmonella group, Dr H. Schütze, Lister Institute, London, being appointed Chairman; the other members of the subcommittee comprising: Dr E. O. Jordan, University of Chicago, U.S.A.; Dr F. Kauffmann, Statens Serum-institut, Copenhagen, Denmark; Dr W. M. Scott, Ministry of Health, London; Mr P. Bruce White, National Institute for Medical Research, London; with Dr R. St John-Brooks, National Collection of Type Cultures (Medical Research Council), Lister Institute, London, as Secretary. The late Dr J. Lignières, some time before his lamented death, consented to serve on the subcommittee. As, however, he died before he had an opportunity of considering the draft report, which he did not take part in drawing up, his name does not appear as a member of the subcommittee.