Genetic variation in the COL6A1 region is associated with congenital heart defects in trisomy 21 (Down's syndrome)

Genetic variation in the COL6A1‐COL6A2 gene cluster on chromosome 21 was studied in 113 controls and 58 European families (including control and family subgroups of British/Irish origin) having a child with trisomy 21. There were statistically significant differences among subgroups of trisomic children with and without congenital heart defects (CHD) in distributions of definitive, 3‐RFLP haplotype classes received from their nondisjoining and disjoining parents. Haplotypes received by trisomic children with CHD from their disjoining parents were not a random sample of controls' haplotypes. Analysis of parental single‐RFLP genotypes and linkage disequilibrium patterns confirmed this parent subgroup differed from a random sample of controls. There were no significant differences in parent subgroup genotype distribution at any of nine control loci distributed along chromosome 21q. This sample showed an association between genetic variation in the COL6A1 gene region and congenital heart defects in trisomy 21.