Simplified Culture and Chromosome Preparations of Primate Leukocytes

Plasma recovered from 1 ml of primate peripheral blood by centrifugation is planted in a medium consisting of 80% TC-199 and 20% fetal bovine serum, to which 0.125 ml of phytohaemagglutinin/5 ml is added. The pH is adjusted to 7 with 10% NaHCO2. The mixture is incubated 68 hr, Colcemide to give 1 μg/ml is added, and incubation continued for 4 hr. Following centrifugal separation, the cells are given a hypotonic treatment with 0.75% sodium citrate for 15 min, then centrifuged again and fixed in 3:1 methanol-glacial acetic acid, 3 changes. Tiny drops of the cell suspension are placed on a slide, spread by blowing, and air dried. The preparations are stained with 15% Giemsa solution in methyl alcohol. The method has been successfully used in 256 specimens from 25 different species.