Continuous-wave NMR was used to study the temperature dependence of the static nuclear magnetic susceptibility of solid He3 and solid mixtures of He4 in He3. Measurements were performed in the purest sample (3.7×105 He4 in He3) at four molar volumes (21, 22, 23, and 24 cm3/mole) in the bcc phase, and at several He4 concentrations ranging from 3.7×105 to 2.0×102 at 21 and 23 cm3/mole. The temperature range of the measurements was from 0.95 to 0.32 K. The data were fitted to a Curie-Weiss law with an rms deviation from best fit of less than 103 and best values of the Weiss constant θ were obtained. Susceptibilities and temperatures were measured to better than 0.1%. The temperature scale was based upon the susceptibility of the purest, most-dense sample. The desired accuracy in the susceptibility measurements necessitated a new method of data reduction. The accuracy in the extracted values of θ was better than ±1 mk. The values of θ in the purest sample (-0.24±0.82 mK at 21 cm3/mole, -1.03±1.06 mK at 22 cm3/mole, -1.49±0.27 mK at 23 cm3/mole, and -3.07±0.78 mK at 24 cm3/mole) agreed within experimental uncertainty with those of earlier workers, operating at lower temperatures. They provide a high-temperature check on those measurements. The measured effects on θ of the He4 impurity are consistent with the work of Richards and Homer, but the measurements show an improved accuracy. The data, as a function of x, the atomic fraction of He4, have been fitted to the equation θ(x)=θ0(1+Kx). Values of K of -430±450 and -19±10 were obtained at 21 and 23 cm3/mole, respectively.

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