The absorption spectrum of methyl fluoroform has been investigated with path lengths up to 30 meters in the region 19 to 0.7μ. Three of the fundamentals have been assigned differently from Thompson and Temple. Since the molecule is nearly a spherical top, the ⊥ bands show the same typical PQR structure as do the ∥ bands except when the Coriolis interaction constant ζ is large. This seems to be the case for the degenerate C–F stretching vibration ν9(e) and for most binary combinations involving it. The CH3 rocking vibration ν10(e) is split into two close components (separation 6 cm−1) a splitting that is here ascribed to the presence of three potential minima separated by low potential maxima. A large number of infra‐red bands can be readily interpreted as binary combinations. The relative intensities of fundamentals and of overtone and combination bands are briefly discussed.