Cartwheel neurons of the dorsal cochlear nucleus: A Golgi‐electron microscopic study in rat

Cartwheel neurons in rat dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) were studied by Golgi impregnation-electron microscopy. Usually situated in layers 1–2, cartwheel neurons (10–14 μm in mean cell body diameter) have dendritic trees predominantly in layer 1. The dendrites branch at wide angles. Most primary dendrites are short, nontapering, and bear only a few sessile spines. Secondary and tertiary dendrites are short, curved, and spine-laden. The perikaryon forms symmetric synapses with at least two kinds of boutons containing pleomorphic vesicles. The euchromatic nucleus is indented and has an eccentric nucleolus. The cytoplasm shows several small Nissl bodies, a conspicuous Golgi apparatus, and numerous subsurface and cytoplasmic cisterns of endoplasmic reticulum with a narrow lumen, joined by mitochondria in single or multiple assemblies. In primary dendrites mitochondria are situated peripherally, while in distal branches they become ubiquitous and relatively more numerous. Dendritic shafts usually form symmetric synapses with boutons that contain pleomorphic vesicles. The majority of the dendritic spines are provided with a vesiculo-saccular spine apparatus. All dendritic spines have asymmetric synapses. Most of these are formed with varicosities of thin, unmyelinated fibers (presumably axons of granule cells) running parallel to the long axis of the DCN or radially. These varicosities contain round, clear synaptic vesicles. On the initial axon segment few symmetric synapses are present. The axon acquires a thin myelin sheath after a short trajectory. Cartwheel neurons outnumber all other neurons in layers 1–2 (with the exception of granule cells), and presumably correspond to type C cells with thinly myelinated axons described by Lorente de Nó. The axons of these neurons provide a dense plexus in the superficial layers without leaving the DCN. The possible functional role of cartwheel neurons is discussed.