Global description of0−12+→0−12+reactions utilizing the bare Pomeron

It is shown that the combination of a "bare Pomeron" with intercept α^P(0)=0.85 in conjunction with a reasonable set of secondary Regge trajectories and a canonical absorption prescription is capable of providing a good global fit to practically all 012+012+ meson-nucleon scattering data up to lab momenta of 30 GeV/c. The bare Pomeron with intercept lower than 1 has a large real part which greatly facilitates the description of the data. At higher energies, "renormalization" effects can be expected to be important as inelastic diffraction events, and these lead to a renormalized Pomeron intercept very close to or equal to one. The value α^P(0)=0.85 used throughout this intermediate-energy fit is in agreement with current inclusive triple-Regge data and maximum-rapidity-gap distributions. It is also in agreement with certain strong-coupling ABFST (Amati-Bertocchi-Fubini-Stanghellini-Tonin) multiperipheral model calculations. For secondary effects, we have used a family of vector Regge trajectories (ρ,ω,K*) with a degenerate intercept of about 0.45, and tensor trajectories (A2,K**) with an intercept of about 0.25. A second vacuum pole emerges with intercept close to 0. The p (f) trajectory, not included here, can perhaps be expected to appear in conjunction with the renormalization of the Pomeron. Although no wrong-signature nonsense zeros are included in the parametrization, the ρA2 and K*K** pole couplings are nevertheless very nearly exchange degenerate. SU(3) is used to relate most of the other couplings. The (pole + cut) helicity-flip ρA2 and K*K** amplitudes also show considerable exchange-degenerate characteristics. We have used a standard absorption prescription to calculate the second-order bare Pomeron (P^) Reggeon cuts and P^P^ cuts. An unusual result emerges—the "enhancement" λi factors for all cuts are less than one. This indicates the presence of higher-order cuts which thus dominate over inelastic intermediate-state production in this approach. The data used in this fit are a representative selection of 012+012+ data (including πN amplitude analysis, hypercharge-exchange differential cross sections and polarizations; π±p and K±p total and differential cross sections, polarizations, and t=0 real-to-imaginary ratios; and πN and KN charge-exchange differential cross sections and polarizations) up to plab=30 GeV/c and |t|=1.5 (GeV/c)2.