Ionization levels of As vacancies in as-grown GaAs studied by positron-lifetime spectroscopy

The properties of the native monovacancy defects are systematically investigated by positron-lifetime measurements in n-type GaAs with carrier concentrations of n=1015 1018 cm3. The native defects present two ionization levels at EC-30 meV and EC-140 meV. The first corresponds to a charge transition 1-→0 and the second to 0→1+. The transitions are attributed to ionizations of As vacancy, which may be isolated or part of a complex. In a simple identification of the defect with VAs, the ionization level at EC-30 meV is attributed to the transition VAsVAs0 and the ionization level at EC-140 meV to the transition VAs0VAs+. The results show further that the configuration of VAs is strongly relaxed inwards compared to the structure of VAs0.