Motivated by the success of the Goldberger—Treiman calculation of charged-pion decay and the assumption of pion-pole dominance of the divergence of the axial current subsequently introduced, we study the decays of the neutral pion and eta in the same way. Examining Compton scattering of real photons from the nucleons presents a fruitful analogy to the nuclear β-decay process. Identifying the dominant nucleon and meson-pole-term contributions to Compton scattering and utilizing the content of the exact low-energy theorem on Compton scattering, a no-subtraction hypothesis, supported by the Regge-pole phenomenology, then enables us to establish exact sum rules for the lifetimes τπ02γ and τη2γ and also the Drell—Hearn sum rules for κp2±κn2. We also consider in detail the relation of our sum rule to the Goldberger—Treiman calculation of π0 decay and forward-Compton-scattering sum rules for systems of spin=1. Neglecting continuum contributions, which are small, we find from our sum rules κp2=κn2 and τπ02γ1=πα2mπ3κp24gπN2MN23.1 eV or τπ02γ2.2×1016 sec in approximate agreement with the experimental value τπ02γ=(1.0±0.5)×1016 sec. Better photopion-production data for the nonresonant multipoles would enable us to accurately estimate the continuum contributions. Including the dominant contributions to the photopion production continuum, we find that the Drell-Hearn sum rule for κp2+κn2 is well satisfied. We can estimate the η2γ lifetime but our result depends on a knowledge of the eta-nucleon coupling and on nonresonant background contributions to the photopion multipoles. Once better photopion production data for the nonresonant multipoles El±, Ml±, l<~2 for energies π02γ, η2γ.