Phenomenological description of dynamics in diluted isotropic Heisenberg paramagnet at high temperatures

We consider a diluted isotropic Heisenberg paramagnet at infinite temperature. Frequency moments of the wave-vector-frequency-dependent spin correlation function are calculated up to the fourth moment for arbitrary concentration m of the magnetic atoms. Employing phenomenological procedures based upon the use of a two-parameter Gaussian form for the generalized diffusivity, we estimate the concentration dependence of the spin-diffusion coefficient. This result is expected to be qualitatively reasonable as long as the concentration of nonmagnetic atoms is small, i.e., for 1m1. However, for large vacancy concentration, i.e., m1, our mean-field-theory-like result must break down because we expect the magnetization diffusion to cease below some critical concentration mc, because then all the exchange connected clusters will be of finite size. This is an interesting point and we note that it should be investigated by computer-experiment techniques (which are well established for the undiluted case when S=). Finally, we present results for the frequency- (or time-) and wave-vector- (or space-) dependent correlation functions for the simple cubic lattice for the two limiting cases, S=12 and S=.