Human 2‐D PAGE databases for proteome analysis in health and disease: http ://‐bin/celis

Human 2‐D PAGE Databases established at the Danish Centre for Human Genome Research are now available on the World Wide Web (‐bin/celis). The databanks, which offer a comprehensive approach to the analysis of the human proteome both in health and disease, contain data on known and unknown proteins recorded in various IEF and NEPHGE 2‐D PAGE reference maps (non‐cultured keratinocytes, non‐cultured transitional cell carcinomas, MRC‐5 fibroblasts and urine). One can display names and information on specific protein spots by clicking on the image of the gel representing the 2‐D gel map in which one is interested. In addition, the database can be searched by protein name, keywords or organelle or cellular component. The entry files contain links to other databases such as Medline, Swiss‐Prot, PIR, PDB, CySPID, OMIM, Methabolic pathways, etc. The on‐line information is updated regularly.

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