Attention has been directed recently in Germany,1Italy2and Austria,3as well as in this country,4to the occurrence of macrocytic anemia in association with disorders of the liver. The recognition of a hematologic picture in cases of disease of the liver resembling in many respects that of pernicious anemia is not new, as a review of the literature in an earlier communication4aindicated. Nevertheless, little significance was attributed to the association, and it has been only with the recently renewed interest in hematology that several investigators, working independently, have rediscovered this type of anemia. In several respects the various observations are essentially in agreement. The anemia associated with disorders of the liver is rarely severe.5The macrocytosis affects the great majority of the red corpuscles,6which show relatively little variation in shape or size.7The lack of variation in the size of the corpuscles, however, does not