It is shown that the Frank elastic constants may be expressed in terms of even-order Legendre polynomials averaged over the one-molecule orientational distribution function. In particular, it is found that (K11K¯)K¯=C3CP¯4P¯2+,(K22K¯)K¯=2CCP¯4P¯2+,(K33K¯)K¯=C+4CP¯4P¯2+, where K¯=(13)(K11+K22+K33), C and C are constants, which depend on the details of the system, and P¯m is the weighted average of the mth Legendre polynomial. Higher-order terms in these series involve P¯6, etc. The constants C and C are calculated for the case of rodlike molecules interacting via a hard-core repulsion. The results are in good agreement with experiments on the substance p-azoxyanisole.

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