Magnetic and NMR properties of the system AgPt

By rapidly quenching from the melt, metastable single-phase solid solutions of Ag1-xPtx (0195Pt corresponds qualitatively to the variation of susceptibility with composition. From both variations with concentration a d hyperfine field of -107+or-10 T for pure Pt was deduced. The variation of the 109Ag Knight shift is similar to that of 195Pt and for Pt-rich alloys is dominated by the contribution due to conduction-electron polarisation. From these results and from the variation of the spin lattice relaxation time T1 of 109Ag with concentration a rigid-band behaviour can clearly be discarded. The measurements are in accordance with and can be interpreted by the latest results of KKK CPA calculations on the isoelectronic systems AgPd and AuPt, whose NMR and susceptibility properties are very similar to those reported for AgPt.