Composition of High Density Lipoproteins in Rats Fed Various Dietary Fibers

Several studies have suggested that dietary fibers, especially water-soluble sources, are effective agents for lowering plasma cholesterol. This study was undertaken to determine the effect of various fibers on the composition of apoproteins in high density lipoproteins. Rats were fed experimental diets that contained either 20% wheat bran, oat bran or cellulose or 5% pectin or guar gum for 4 weeks. Final body weight was similar among groups. HDL cholesterol and total apoprotein concentrations were not significantly altered by diet. The percentage of apo A-I was significantly elevated and apo E and the apo C's were significantly lower in the guar gum group relative to the wheat bran group. Lecithin cholesterol acyl transferase activity and the C-II-to-C-III ratio were highest in the guar gum group. Differences in the absorption and subsequent metabolism of lipid could account for differences in HDL composition.