Decay Scheme ofRb83

We have re-examined the decay of Rb83, which is reported to decay by electron capture, with emission of a single γ ray of 525 keV, to the 1.86-h isomer of Kr83. With the aid of a lithium-drifted germanium detector and with a high-resolution beta spectrometer we find that the 525-keV photopeak observed with NaI crystals is really a superposition of three γ rays at 521 keV (46%), 530 keV (31%), and 553 keV (16%). An additional γ ray was found at 790 keV with intensity of 0.9%. Various coincidence experiments showed that only the 521- and 530-keV transitions lead to the 1.86-h Kr83m. The 553- and 790-keV transitions lead to the 9.3-keV level of Kr83. Direct electron capture to this level has also been obsered with an intensity of 6%. The fraction of Rb83 disintegrations bypassing the isomeric state of Kr83 is 23%. The following new levels were assigned to Kr83: 562, 571, and 799 keV. The total disintegration energy of Rb83 was shown to be ≥825 keV.

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