Neutral Decay Modes of theη0Meson

The branching ratios of the decay of the η0 meson into neutral products have been measured. The η0 is produced in the reaction πpη0+n, and the decay products are observed as γ rays by a system of optical spark chambers and counters in nearly 4π geometry. Emphasis was placed on examining evidence for the decay mode η0π0γγ(4γ). Measurement of the neutron time of flight in the production process, together with detailed measurement and kinematical analysis of the pictures showing four γ rays, enables us to test each event for consistency with such a decay mode, and also for the "background" process π+p2π0+n. From what is essentially a comparison of the observed rates for these processes, we obtain the upper limit for (η0π0γγ)(η0allneutrals)7% (90% confidence level), a result which is relatively insensitive to estimates of the efficiency of the detecting system. We also obtain (η03π0)(η02γ)=0.75±0.09.