We examined how the transdifferentiation ability of neural retinal cells into lens and/or pigment cells in call culture is changed with the development of the donor. Cells dissociated from neural retinas of chick embryos ranging from 3‐day‐old to the stage immediately before hatching and of 3‐day‐old chicks were cultured for about 60 days. The results clearly indicated that the transdifferentiation ability decreased with age. The latest developmental stage at which the differentiation of lens cells took place was in 18‐day‐old embryos. A gradual decrease in this ability was shown by the comparison of crystallin content in cultures prepared from embryos at different stages. The differentiation of pigment cells was recognized in cultures of neural retinas earlier than in 15‐day‐old embryos. Such loss of the ability of neural retinal cells to transdifferentiate into pigment cells earlier than into lens cells can be partially attributed to inhibitory factors accumulated in medium conditioned with many neuronal cells present in cultures.