Stripping Analysis of theTi46(d,p)Ti47Reactions

The (d,p) reactions from a target of isotopically separated Ti46 have been studied with the MIT multiplegap magnetic spectrograph and the MIT-ONR Van de Graaff accelerator using a 7.0-MeV deuteron beam. Forty-seven excited states in Ti47 were observed up to an excitation energy of 4.0 MeV, of which seventeen showed angular-distribution characteristics of a stripping process. Sixty additional energy levels were observed between 4.0 and 6.0 MeV, and angular distributions were obtained for eleven of the most intense of these levels. The ground-state Q value was measured to be 6.665±0.010 MeV, and the proton angular distribution for this state did not show a characteristic stripping curve. Transition strengths and values of the orbital angular momenta of the transferred neutrons were derived from the experimental measurements and from calculations using a zero-range distorted-wave Born-approximation analysis.