It was found that filter paper electro-phoresis was not suitable for the study of serum lipoproteins owing to adsorption of the lipoprotein complexes to the paper which resulted in tailing. A method employing zone electro-phoresis on starch columns was developed, which is a refinement of the method of Kunkel and Slater. A voltage of 130- 150 volts was employed, giving 45-70 mA; the apparatus was used in the cold room. Veronal-acetate buffer, ionic strength 0.1, pH 8.6, was found to be most satisfactory. After about 20 hours a paper template of the column is made, the fats localized with amido black or bromphenol blue, and the starch column cut into sections. After drying, the lipid components are extracted and estimated. Results are presented for the cholesterol, phospholipid and fatty acid contents of normal sera and of those from patients after a coronary infarct.

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