Fate of Dearterialized Spleen

INASMUCH as the splenic artery is being used with increasing frequency in the revascularization of other abdominal organs, it would seem that the ultimate outcome of the dearterialized spleen would be well known. However, in a recent cardiovascular symposium, this question was posed and a definitive answer was not forthcoming. Investigation into the surgical literature revealed little added information. Current surgical thinking is divided as to the advisability of splenectomy after ligation or diversion of splenic artery blood flow. Zollinger and Williams11 noted in Christopher's Textbook of Surgery that splenectomy need not necessarily follow ligation of the splenic artery as a part of treatment for splenic artery aneurysm. It is the opinion of Poutasse9 that the spleen need not be sacrificed following splenorenal arterial anastomosis, since the spleen receives an adequate supply of blood via the short gastric arteries. However, Hurwitt et al6,7 advise removal of the