Energy Levels and Electromagnetic Transitions inN15from theC13(He3,pγ)N15Reaction

Excited states of N15 have been studied by the C13(He3,pγ)N15 reaction. Proton spectra were measured with a magnetic spectrometer at two angles for He3 energies of 2 and 5 MeV. Excitation energies of 9.054±0.004, 9.225±0.003, 9.829±0.004, and 10.072±0.004 MeV were obtained for levels in N15. Electromagnetic branching ratios were measured for levels at 8.31, 8.57, 9.05, 9.16, 9.22, 9.76, 9.83, 9.93, 10.07, and 10.45 MeV. A comparison was made with theoretical branching ratios calculated from shell-model wave functions for levels at 8.31, 8.57, 9.05, and 9.93 MeV. Measured branching ratios for the first three of these levels agree with calculated ratios for shell-model levels of Jπ=12+,32+,and 12+, respectively. Proton-γ-ray angular-correlation measurements for levels at 9.05, 9.16, and 9.22 MeV indicate J=32 for the 9.16-MeV state, J=12 or 32 for the 9.05-MeV level, and J=32 (90% probability) or J=12 (10% probability) for the 9.22-MeV level.