Effect of roxarsone and canthaxanthin on broiler pigmentation

Broiler chicks were fed on a commercial‐type ration containing 20 g oxy‐carotenoids/ton for 5 weeks, half receiving 0.005% roxarsone. All birds were then fed on finisher rations containing a moderate (20 g/ton) to high level (40 g/ton) of oxycarotenoids from food ingredients alone and in combination with 2 and 4 g canthaxanthin/ton for 26 d. The birds given roxarsone in the starter ration also received 0.005% roxarsone in the finisher ration together with the above‐listed oxycarotenoid supplements. Roxarsone was withdrawn from the ration 5 d prior to termination of the study to simulate commercial requirements. The continuous feeding of 0.005% roxarsone had no effect on weight gain, food conversion or pigmentation as assessed by visual shank scores, using the Roche Yolk Color Fan, and colorimetric assay of total carotenoid concentrations in plasma, toe‐web skin and shank skin. Shank visual scores reflected the increased levels of oxycarotenoids derived from food ingredients alone and the effect of supplemental canthaxanthin. These data show that canthaxanthin is an effective pigmenter adjuvant, when added at 2 to 4 g/ton to rations containing 20 to 40 g of oxy‐carotenoids/ton from food ingredient sources. Concurrent feeding of 0.005% roxarsone, while having no positive effect on pigmentation, had no adverse effect on the pigmenting properties of canthaxanthin.