Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of the linear chain mercury compoundHg2.86AsF6

Studies of the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation of F19 and Hg199 and the Knight shift of Hg199 in the mercury chain conductor Hg2.86AsF6 are presented. At low temperatures, the relaxation times, T1(F19) and T1(Hg199) of F19 and Hg199, respectively, show characteristic metallic behavior with T1(Hg199)T=7.5×103 sec K and T1(F19)T=340 sec K at 10 MHz. [T1(Hg199)T]1 is found to decrease by ∼45% as the magnetic field is decreased from 13 to 5.6 kOe. The Hg199 Knight shift is +1.9% and nearly temperature and field independent. The relatively slow relaxation of F19 at low temperature indicates that the conduction electrons are primarily localized on the mercury chains. A model band structure for the conduction electrons on the two-dimensional interpenetrating mercury chain structure is considered taking into account the interaction between chains in the a and b crystallographic directions. The resulting electronic wave function and the Fermi surface display quasi-one-dimensional properties even for relatively strong interchain coupling. Using this model it is argued that the field dependence of T1(Hg199)T arises from the long-wavelength low-frequency part of the magnetic susceptibility of this pseudo-one-dimensional metal.