Antiferromagnetic structure of the cubic superconductor ErPd2Sn

Elastic and inelastic neutron scattering measurements have been made on the cubic Heusler alloy ErPd2Sn, which becomes superconducting at Ts =1.17 K. Antiferromagnetic correlations are found to develop for T>Ts, with an antiferromagnetic transition occurring at T≊1.0 K. The magnetic structure is found to be type II, in which the fcc Er unit cell doubles along all three crystallographic directions. However, there are additional satellites of the allowed reflections which indicate a modulated component of the magnetization density. In addition, the linewidths are broader than instrumental resolution and distinctly non‐Gaussian in shape. Inelastic measurements show a broad distribution of scattering extending to energy transfers greater than 1 meV, as well as two distinct crystal field levels at 7.4 and 11.1 meV.