Te125Mössbauer Effect in Paramagnetic and Antiferromagnetic MnTe2

The Mössbauer effect associated with the 35.6-keV (3212) transition in Te125 is applied to extract the electronic structure and the induced magnetic features of the ditelluride ligand in antiferromagnetic MnTe2 (TN=83.8°K). Measurements above TN at 90.1°K, reveal a quadrupole split spectrum with |e2qQ|=15.5 mm/sec. Absorption spectra obtained below TN result from a combination of a magnetic dipole interaction and a predominant electric quadrupole interaction with negative e2qQ. At 4.2°K (TTN=0.05) and 20.3°K (TTN=0.24) the internal magnetic field H=114±7 kOe and the angle θ formed with qzz is 30°5+3. At 77.3°K (TTN=0.925), H=55±3 kOe, and 0°θ<10°. The sign and magnitude of the quadrupole coupling constant as well as the observed anisotropy in the recoilless fraction are consistent with the "molecular" conception of the Te1-Te1 anion. Comparison of H in (Te125)1 and H in substituted (I129)1 (obtained from a separate experiment) suggests a transferred hyperfine interaction mechanism involving the unpairing of the ligand 5s orbitals. The resulting angle θ was found to be inconsistent with the suggested model of the spin arrangement as deduced from a neutron-diffraction pattern in powder samples by other authors.