Late effects of head and neck radiation therapy and patient/dentist compliance with recommended dental care

Head and neck radiation therapy patients have permanent damage to their salivary glands, tissue, and bone. This damage may result in late effects such as: xerostomia, rampant dental caries, demineralization, trismus, and osteoradionecrosis. Therefore, a pretherapy dental evaluation and treatment and compliance with a long-term oral care regimen are necessary. This retrospective study was designed to assess the late effects of radiation therapy and compliance with long-term care recommendations of patients seen in the Oncology Dental Support Clinic at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Dentistry during 1981 to 1989. Telephone interviews of patients and their dentists were conducted, and a written questionnaire to the dentists provided further data. Late effects were consistent with those reported in the literature. A compliance rate of approximately 50% was reported. Several measures have been implemented in an attempt to increase compliance.