Spin resonance and magnetic susceptibility of amorphous GdxY0.33−xAl0.67 films showing spin-glass behavior

The effects of dilution of Gd by Y in a series of evaporated amorphous GdxY0.33−xAl0.67 films (x from 0.33 to 0.0027) has been studied by microwave magnetic resonance and SQUID magnetometry. The SQUID measurements show a spin glass freezing temperature Tf of 13.5K for x = 0.33 and 6.5K for x = 0.16, with Tf being less than 1.6K or nonexistent for samples with xm/(T−Tf)n. Contrary to earlier experimental or theoretical indications, we find m∼−0.5 and n∼1.5.