Study ofGe72with theGa71(He3, d)Ge72reaction

The Ga71(He3, d)Ge72 reaction has been studied at 25 MeV incident energy with a split-pole spectrometer. The over-all energy resolution was 18 keV. Sixty Ge72 levels, 29 of which observed for the first time, were populated below 5.2 MeV excitation energy. Angular distributions were obtained from 5° to 63° and comparison with distorted-wave-Born-approximation calculations allowed parity assignment and spin limits for 44 levels. Spectroscopic factors are deduced for most of the observed transitions. The whole 2p1f and a weak part of the 3s2d1g strengths are observed. An interesting result is the strong population of the first excited 0+ state at 0.690 MeV as compared to the ground state. We present a simple model which can account for this result. Possible Jπ=0+ levels in Ge72 are found at 2.029 and 3.614 MeV.