C9-C12Fractions Obtained From Petroleum Distillates

On the basis of these studies the alkyl aromatics present in catalytic reformate fractions do not exert any myelotoxic effects characteristic of benzene. Exposure to these compounds by inhalation does lead to significant hemotologic changes which, however, are reversible if the exposure is terminated early enough. In terms of acute vapor exposure, the fraction richer in higher molecular weight aromatics is more toxic than the lower molecular weight aromatic fraction, but both fractions are more toxic than benzene or normal decane. Percutaneous exposure repeatedly to these aromatic fractions may lead to significant systemic changes as well as to ulceration and atrophic changes of the skin. Exposure of the eye to vapors of these fractions is irritating; liquid contact may lead to scar formation. Prolonged exposure may lead to the formation of cataracts.

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