Prebreakdown ionization currents in argon have been measured in uniform fields for low values of the ratio of field strength to pressure Ep [5 to 12 v (cmmmHg)1]. Currents obtained with varying electrode separation d at constant Ep and constant p could not be analyzed to yield values of the Townsend coefficients αp and γ. Currents obtained with varying p at constant Ep and constant d could be analyzed to yield values of αp and γ, but such currents yielded coefficients which depend on d. The dependence of the values of αp on d is attributed to the production of highly excited atoms by resonance radiation at some distance from the positions where the electrons lose their energy; these highly excited atoms then produce molecular ions and electrons in collisions with ground-state argon atoms. The secondary mechanism and the dependence of γ on d are associated with resonance radiation. Sparking potential measurements in argon made by varying both p and d for values of pd corresponding to breakdown for the above range of Ep show deviations from Paschen's law.