Angular dependence of the β-proton isotropic hyperfine coupling constant

The angular dependence of the β‐proton isotropic hyperfine coupling in alkyl or π radicals is investigated using a limited CI approach. Values of B0 and B2 for the equation Aβ=B0+B2cos2θ are found to be 2.71 and 50.14 G, respectively. The dominant contribution is found to arise from an electron exchange mechanism. Approximate treatment of this term by a simple charge transfer model leads to an expression for the β‐proton coupling constant, Aβ=413.2 {1+sgnF(θ)[1+F(θ)−2]−1/2} , where F(θ) is a simple function of the angular variable cosθ and sgn F(θ) indicates its sign. The CI study also shows that the cos4θ factor in a power series expansion of Aβ makes a negligible contribution to the hyperfine coupling.