Benign Epilepsy of Childhood with Centrotemporal EEG Foci: A Genetic Study

Nineteen probands with benign epilepsy of childhood and centrotemporal EEG foci (rolandic discharges), 36 of their full parents, and 34 full siblings were included in a genetic study. In these sibships (excluding probands), 15% (5/34) had seizures and rolandic discharges, and 19% (6/32) had rolandic discharges alone. Of the full parents, 11% (5/38) had seizures in chilhood but none in adult life. Only 1 parent (3%) of 36 had rolandic discharges. There was no differnence with sex. The results were tested against different genetic hypotheses and indicate that an autosomal dominant gene with age-dependent penetrance is responsible for the EEG trait.