Strange-Particle Production in8BeVcProton-Proton Interactions

A systematic survey of strange-particle final states produced by 8BeVc protons was made in the BNL 80-in. hydrogen bubble chamber. Cross sections were measured for some 33 reactions. The ratio of the cross section for the KK¯ channels to the total strange-particle cross section was measured to be 0.12 and appears to be rising in this momentum region. The total cross section for strange-particle production is estimated as 1.8±0.2 mb. Comparison is made of the data with the predictions of the one-pion-exchange model, and at least partial agreement occurs for the K+pΛ and πKNΣ final states. The KpΣ states appear to contain N*(1924)KΣ, and the πKNΛ states all include Y*(1385) production with the π+K0pΛ state also containing N*(1236) and K*(890) production. An examination of the five- and six-body K, Λ states indicates strong Y*(1385) and N*(1236) production. Finally, all final states containing a K and a Λ show a dependence on M(K,Λ) which is well parametrized by a Breit-Wigner shape with M0=1777 MeV and Γ=345 MeV. This behavior is interpreted as being consistent with one-pion exchange as the dominant mechanism for these reactions.